JustSpeak | 2021
Typography | Report Design
JustSpeak’s vision is a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each other and the planet. Their work is invested with the mahi and reimagining of justice to be about health and rehabilitation over handcuffs. Their end goal is the closure of all Aotearoa prisons—for good.
Supporting this kaupapa of prison abolition for Aotearoa, I was tasked with designing JustSpeak: Impact Report—2015-2020, a report that reflects and documents the last five years of their mahi. The report was a collaborative process, the layout and formatting being inspired by JustSpeak’s logo and three core principles reflected as pou’s that uphold the organisation. The report has been produced as both a web and print copy.
JustSpeak’s vision is a society that gives everyone what they need while caring for each other and the planet. Their work is invested with the mahi and reimagining of justice to be about health and rehabilitation over handcuffs. Their end goal is the closure of all Aotearoa prisons—for good.
Supporting this kaupapa of prison abolition for Aotearoa, I was tasked with designing JustSpeak: Impact Report—2015-2020, a report that reflects and documents the last five years of their mahi. The report was a collaborative process, the layout and formatting being inspired by JustSpeak’s logo and three core principles reflected as pou’s that uphold the organisation. The report has been produced as both a web and print copy.